martes, 3 de agosto de 2021

Cherry Petals

H A I R ---> 
Doe  .   . Vee . (come with nice bows) THE CRYSTAL HEART!   NEW

H E A D --> LeLUTKA Avalon Head 

B O D Y   --> [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Perky Edition 

N A I L S -->  LOTUS. Wings Nails Gift (Old Gift Access)

E A R R I N G --> e.marie //e.marie // Carmen Earrings - Golds 75L$

S K I N --> more moremore more. luna skin gacha_4 (lel EvoX)  THE CRYSTAL HEART!   NEW

O U T F I T --->  -LUAS - Luas Elsie Outift Sky GATCHA  25L$  (maitreya but work in legacy)

B U N N Y --> +Half-Deer+  Moon Bunny - Carrots  Gatcha THE CRYSTAL HEART!   NEW

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